Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Jenny, Jenny, Jenny

Wow, this woman is a firecracker. She grabs your attention and won't let go. Despite a liberal sprinkling of potty words, her mischevious nature makes you want to join in on her fun. She gave an interview to a local station, and here is the link to the unedited version:
There was already a good report about her appearance at the conference written on Age of Autism. It is a fabulous site edited by Dan Olmsted with ongoing commentary by a very talented group of writers. Check it regularly. The address is
This particular piece links you to the phone call Ms. McCarthy placed to the CDC during her speech to us:
I spoke with her about creating a very general short (5 min. or less) DVD in which she would give an endorsement of a group getting information about autism recovery to parents. This video could be used by biomedically-based organizations such as NAA chapters to assist in fundraising efforts. We are all aware that Ms. McCarthy certainly can not make appearances around the country for any organization that asks, as much as she would like to help. We also know that it would be too difficult to film a separate DVD for everyone who asks…therefore creating a general DVD that could be used by a large number of organizations trying to meet the needs in their region for children & families would be a God-send, and hopefully this would also alleviate the volume of requests that TACA receives for personal appearances and endorsements.
I really hope that there will be follow-through on this. She seemed very genuine in agreeing to do it, but I can only imagine the million directions she is being pulled in.
She is the spokeswoman for the wonderful organization TACA Now, which is a CA-based biomedical support group. Their website is : It offers some wonderful resources. Check it out.
Also, you should read her book, Louder than Words (also quite littered with the f-word, but still worth your time). In addition, she is working on a documentary. If it reaches general audiences, it will rock the boat even more than she already has. And louder than any words could say, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have made me hold out hope of a safer vaccine program in my lifetime. Hope where there was none. Thank you, fellow warrior mom.

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